c. & l. c. 뜻
국어 번역
- capitals and lowercase
- c. phrase, Cape, Catholic, Celsius, Celtic,
- & proto-norse; usan-guk; gija joseon; lee
- c. phrase, Cape, Catholic, Celsius, Celtic,
- c.u.l.t.c. phrase, Cambridge University Lawn Tennis Club
- n.c.c.l. phrase, National council for Civil Liberties
- a.c.l.s. phrase, american council of learned societies
- c.l. phrase, carload, civil law
- l.a.c. phrase, leading aircraftsman
- c.h.e.l. phrase, Cambridge History of English Literature(책이름)
- c.l.u. phrase, Chartered Life Underwriter, Civil Liberties Union
- cửa lò 끄얼로
- g, c, l, h phrase, Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor
- g, l, c phrase, Greater London Council 대런던 시의회
- hanwha l&c 현대L&C
- l.u.c.a.: the beginning 루카 (드라마)